Publications on Numerical Methods

  1. M.S.Obrecht, "A new stable method for linearization of discretized basic semiconductor equations", Solid State Electronics, v.36, pp.643-648, 1993.
  2. M.S. Obrecht, M.I. Elmasry, E.L. Heasell, "TRASIM - compact and efficient two-dimensional transient simulator for arbitrary planar semiconductor devices", IEEE Trans. CAD, vol. 14, pp. 447-458, April 1995.
  3. M.S. Obrecht, K.-C. Wu, R.W. Dutton, E.L. Heasell and M.I. Elmasry, "Further improvements in decoupled methods for semiconductor device modeling", Proceedings of NUPAD V Conference, pp. 129-132, June 1994, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  4. M.S.Obrecht, E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Comparison of coupled and decoupled methods for semiconductor device modeling", COMPEL, vol. 13, pp. 785-794, Dec. 1994.
  5. A.L.Alexandrov, M.S.Obrecht, G.V.Gadiyak, "Efficient finite-difference method for numerical modeling of thermal redistribution of interacting impurities under oxidizing ambient", Solid State Electronics, v.35, p.1549-1552, 1992.
  6. G.V.Gadiyak, M.S.Obrecht, "The use of factorization methods for solving the charge transfer equations in semiconductor devices", Proceedings of the II International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices and Processes, Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., 1986.
  7. M.S.Obrecht, M.I.Elmasry, "Speeding-up of convergence of Gummel iterations for transient simulation", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, Copper Mountains, CO, April 6-8, 1993, Front Range Press, pp.20-21.
  8. M.S.Obrecht, M.I.Elmasry, "Speeding-up of convergence of Gummel iterations for transient simulation", COMPEL, vol. 12, N6, pp. 311-317, December 1993.
  9. M.S.Obrecht, E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "Comparison of coupled and decoupled methods for semiconductor device modeling", Proceedings of NASECODE X International Conference, pp. 56- 57, Boole Press, Dublin, June 1994.
  10. M.S.Obrecht, E.L Heasell and M.I.Elmasry "New decoupled methods for semiconductor device modeling", Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Simulation of Devices and Technologies, pp. 32-34, Obninsk, Russia, July 1994.